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Major sporting legacy events for communities and from disadvantaged backgrounds (CIDBs)

About us
We are a group of academic researchers and research associates from the University of Birmingham interested in exploring the topic of legacies of major sporting events for communities and individuals from disadvantaged backgrounds (CIDBs).
We are particularly interested in working collaboratively with academic experts, event professionals, and government stakeholders to understand and investigate the legacy of major events for CIDBs, in order to inform future event-planning and relevant policy-making.
Meet our research team and find out more about who we are and what we do.

Our vision
Empowering communities through inclusive and sustainable event legacies, creating a lasting positive impact.
Our vision is to revolutionise the impact of major events on communities by creating a model for inclusive, sustainable and transformative legacies that elevate the well-being of all individuals and leave a positive mark on the world for generations to come.

Our projects

Phase I
Working in collaboration with the Birmingham Race Impact Group, we examine the legacies of the Birmingham 2022 Commonwealth Games for CIDBs.
Find out more about Phase I of the project.
Phase II
Working in collaboration with the Birmingham Race Impact Group, Sport Birmingham and Birmingham City Council, using strength-based approaches, we aim to identify the skills, knowledge and resources needed for capitalising on major sporting events benefits amongst Birmingham CIDBs.
Find out more about Phase II of the project.
We set up an International Working Group that aims to bring together a cross-disciplinary group of experts who have conducted similar research in different geographic settings with a research focus on 'major sporting events for CIDBs'.
Find out more about the International Working Group and join us!

Key Events

Event 1: A Games Diversity Legacy Event for Everyone
Sports Race Impact Summit
Where: University of Birmingham, Egdbaston Park Hotel, Birmingham, UK
When: Friday 30th September 2022

Event 2: The First Expert Advisory Group Panel Meeting
Where: University of Birmingham, UK
When: Monday 27th March 2023

We are excited to announce the launch of our toolkit after a year and a half of collaboration with the Birmingham Race Impact Group, Birmingham City Council, and Sport Birmingham. Join us for the Final Project Meeting to share our findings and provide feedback!
Date and time
Friday, June 28 · 10am - 2pm GMT+1
The Exchange, Centenary Square, Birmingham, UK
3 Centenary Square Birmingham B1 2DR
UOB Final Project Meeting_Major events legacies for Birmingham communities
Key Partners


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